Are You Living Life By Chance or By Choice? RSS

How to slow time down

This expression is the result of being in the moment. When you’re in the moment, time slows down. (See 30-second vacation.) You’ll discover there is so much that can be done in only 24-hours! If you’re feeling the stress of a deadline and your thoughts are spiralling towards a negative outcome, slow the day down by taking a 30-second vacation. There are two thousand eight hundred and eighty (2,880) 30-second vacations you could take in a 24-hour day. Feel free to take as many as you want. You’ll be surprised with how long a day can last and how much you can get done when you stop, look & notice the resources around you. That first 30-second vacation may “prime...

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Stop, count & recover

This sound bite applies when you want to take a break from whatever you’re thinking about but don’t think you have a lot of time. Simply begin counting to 30 taking one second between each number. As you count 1... 2... 3... 4... stay focused on only the next number and it will break your chain of thought that was on your mind. While you’re thinking about the next number, watch your other senses become more active as you notice things you didn’t before. During those 30 seconds of time, you may notice tree branches or grass blades blowing in the wind, at the same time you might feel a chill or warmth from the temperature, smell things in the...

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People can surprise you

Accept people for who they are and don’t expect them to be someone they’re not. “Are you kidding me?” Clearly this is where the expression, “easier said than done” originated. It seems to be human nature to put people into a category and begin creating expectations of them. After many years of being surprised by people, in good & not-so-good ways, I try to resist building expectations too soon. ACCEPT DON’T EXPECT is a sound bite that reminds me to stop, look & consider taking a little more time to understand the person that was brought into my life. Prejudging people or events too soon can lead to a lost opportunity.

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Planet Earth is a puzzle

Let's imagine a puzzle for a moment. That puzzle is the planet earth. All the planet Earth puzzle pieces are shaped uniquely but there are many more solid blue ocean pieces than any other puzzle piece color. As our planet Earth puzzle is assembled, the blue ocean pieces may be the last area to place together because they look so much alike but eventually there will be a gap to fill with just the right blue piece. After being ignored for the longest time, blue puzzle pieces suddenly become very important, as everyone is looking for the right one to complete the missing section. I believe people are like our Planet Earth puzzle pieces, so many may not stand out,...

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