How to slow time down

This expression is the result of being in the moment. When you’re in the moment, time slows down. (See 30-second vacation.)

You’ll discover there is so much that can be done in only 24-hours!

If you’re feeling the stress of a deadline and your thoughts are spiralling towards a negative outcome, slow the day down by taking a 30-second vacation. There are two thousand eight hundred and eighty (2,880) 30-second vacations you could take in a 24-hour day. Feel free to take as many as you want. You’ll be surprised with how long a day can last and how much you can get done when you stop, look & notice the resources around you.

That first 30-second vacation may “prime the pump” for solutions and answers on how you will accomplish what you started thinking was impossible. in those 30 seconds, you’ll break the chain of negative thought and be able to see, think and notice things you didn’t while you were worrying about how much you need to do in such a short period of time.

Always remember, you’ve been perfectly prepared for whatever it is that you’re worrying about! The answers, the knowledge & the people needed to help you, are all around just need to stop-look & notice, once in a while.

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  • Kit Eldredge


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