Are You Living Life By Chance or By Choice? RSS

No one alive is your equal

I believe that every person has a purpose, a talent and a life experience that is so unique & special that no one else on this planet that has ever lived or is alive today is their equal. I’m a big believer in people and their ability to add value to the human experience by contributing to ideas that will make our lives better. The sound bite expressions and thoughts within this book should sound familiar because they have all been said many times, in many ways, by many people throughout our history. My hope is that the following sound bites will serve as your “easy to remember reminders” or “speed bumps” to slow you down or wake you up...

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A split second can be so dramatic

This may be the most difficult thing to do but worth practicing! It is the difference between “reacting” and “responding” to someone’s comment or action. the impact of your decision in that split second can be so dramatic that you could save or threaten a friendship, save or threaten a job or start or stop an argument with the one you love!

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We have more control than we think

The difference between responding and reacting to something that just happened can be a split second. Try to ThiNk iT, doN’T SAY iT for 3 seconds and see if that changes how you respond. Remember, 10% of our life is determined by what happens to us, but 90% of our life is dominated by how we respond.

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Know before you say No!

Sometimes saying no is so final and might be the right answer but taking a 3 second pause before answering may lead you to discovering something that you didn’t know or realize, which may cause you to be glad you didn’t say no so quickly.

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