Things happen for you, not to you!
In other words, everything happens for a reason. There are no coincidences. You were born at precisely the right moment in time, in the right place, surrounded by the right people, taught/coached/ inspired by the right person throughout your entire life and you are exactly where you are meant to be right now – as insane & wrong as that seems, at times.
In other words, we’ve all been “preparing” since birth for the moment we’re about to go into.
Which is the good neWs!
Since we’re all “perfectly prepared” for every moment ahead of us .
Want proof? Just take a moment to remember your past and then start coNNEctiNg tHE dotS (PEoPlE & EVENtS). 4>2 simply means that whatever happens in your life, good/bad, right/wrong, expected/ unexpected, you can be confident it is happening FOR you and you have been PErfEctlY PrEParEd to deal with it.
Remember...things often don’t make sense at the time they happen but if you choose to slow down occasionally and stop, look & think, you’ll begin to better understand who you are, so that you can better choose where you’re headed.
I just wrote a comment to you, but as my computer is being very skittish lately, it disappeared before I could click on POST. I’ve been trying to find a list of comments posted to see if mine is there but can’t find one. Is there a list that your readers can access? Did you get my post?
Your book looks great and I’m looking forward to reading it!
Your cousin,
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